Anyone who works daily on the computer, has necessarily to do with many applications.
Now Sicha employs a RecentChanges poll Vona  therefore, most frequently used programs welche in everyday life.
At the end there should also be a nice evaluation, I'm excited!
Here you can see now, what programs I use most often:
Software to work:
- Visual Studio 2008 - to software development. After I was hatte previously programmed on VS 2005 long zugegbenermaßen relieved that not much had changed in the GUI. However, the classes that have been added, as well as improving Intellisense and a few other nice things are not to be underestimated. An upgrade is worthwhile in any case!
- SQL Management Studio - to control my database and data manipulation. Since I use MS SQL much - working databases, I come to this program also around at all.
- WebEx - I use the support. This program, which comes from the company Cisco, online meetings, video conferencing is designed etc. indispensable for the customer.
- MS Word - letters, documentation, manuals - has everything to do with writing is PRIMARILY made with Word.
- MS Excel - to calculate, Datenauswerten, Datenvisualisieren etc.a I use Excel
- and of course my own, which I habe designed to work
- Firefox
- Internet ExplorerÂ
These two I use most. Just when I develop websites, it naturally ISTA to consider obligation with multiple browsers, then of course kommen also added Nocha others like OperaÂ.
- Outlook - I use for e-mail traffic, as well as an address book and calendar
- Webex - for Internet meetings and support (see above)
- Windows Media Player - for music and Filme.Â
- VLC - Player - if the WM player does not work, I use this freeware
So much for my programs that I use most frequently every day.
What about with you - What you use the most?
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