Market research firm IDC has ventured a forecast for the German IT market in 2009 in a study RahmenÂ.
Accordingly, the financial crisis will spread IMA next year on the German IT industry.
But first to the company:
IDC (International Data Corporation) is a US-based company that provides market observations and deliberations of the IT and telecommunications industry.
In regular studies, the company examines certain aspects of the IT industry and thus provides important data for business planning of IT companies.
And now Zura recent study:
The market research company goes into your latest study estimates that a growth of only one percent is assumed for the German IT market in the expected recession year of 2009.
Especially should suffer accordingly the hardware sales, only exception sollen the so-called smart handheld devices (PDAs, etc.) be.
The software market is the be greatly affected opposite depending subsegment much less by the recession.
The annual average expenditure on software purchases will even grow by approximately five percent, according to the study!
As you can see the information, flexibility is especially be an important factor to bring an IT company successfully through 2009.
New business models such as software as a service (SaaS), which allow a more flexible use and billing software applications could benefit from the crisis.
And IT service providers who offer their customers complete packages to more flexible conditions, are among the potential winners.
To match this, you can, incidentally, also the product offer support Successfully read where I discuss appropriate amendments to its own software product.
In addition, the market researchers are convinced of IDC that further investments in infrastructure software, DIEA is used in projects for the centralization, consolidation and virtualization, are made.
If it goes to this Untersuchung not sound ESA fuera software developers, programmers, etc. So not so bad and for self-employed especially when alone thinking about the item "flexibility" (who can respond more flexibly as a self-employed person).
For more ineffective businesses and especially for a hardware supplier, it could, however, be a difficult year.
What is your opinion about it - will pass Dasa 2009 well, or will perhaps stand before a Sauregurkenzeit?
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