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Thursday, August 20, 2015

How much training is correct?

Training is the alpha and omega in their professional lives in order to keep pace with the rapid technological developments.
Just who in the IT sector, in engineering or other technical fields is active, knows this.
But how much training is needed for this?
The VDI (Association of German Engineers) has created this a study and came to the conclusion that for professionals such as engineers about 5% of working time should invest in training so that they are continuously on the current state of technology.
HR-Online, this general statement as part of a blog parade now in question and wants to know the opinions of other bloggers this.
But first, first the original quote from the study:
Currently an average of 2.1 per cent of working time are used for training outside their own operation. This percentage should be increased to five per cent.
So the staff is well trained and constantly kept up to date state of the art.
If this value, it is too low, or too high?
In a 40-hour working should hereafter be invested for training two hours a week.
I hold this value for quite realistic.
With regular measures I can well imagine that this is sufficient to remain constantly on the current state of technology.
A prerequisite for this is that the training is targeted and is also used in practice.
The best training is in vain if you do not apply the new knowledge.
However, one should of training related to "Keeping Current" not be confused with the training that serves to possibly achieve a higher position, such as by a master's degree program.
For this course you need a lot more time than this five percent.
In how far he can be transferred to various industries and fields of activity?
In technical occupations such as the studied engineering professions: a continuing education course is meaningful and important.
In many other professions but I can imagine that the value is a bit exaggerated to me.
But the study was indeed just made for engineers and is therefore not true for many other areas of activity.
How much training you need to stay up to date?
I am a software developer and am constantly working to stay up to date.
The transition between the normal work and learning or Weiterbidlung is fluent with me.
However, the proportion of training is during working hours but outside the company to significantly lower verschwindent low.
This takes place either during normal work or outside work with me.
How is it with you? A - How much your forms you continue?

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